
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

how to remove a shower head easily and safely

[caption id="attachment_2428" align="aligncenter" width="394"]175 how to remove a shower head 175 how to remove a shower head[/caption]

how to remove a shower head easily and safely. The main component is a shower in the bathroom. His standing replacing a bathtubin the bathroom. Bathroom with shower are rated more healthy because water is not accommodated in the tub, so there is no Moss and not inhabited by larva of mosquito larva. The flowing water is also cleaner than old slope.
Unfortunately, the shower had long used will cause the crust which is difficult to clean. This crust also makes shower clogged so that water flow is not smooth. You alsoexperienced it? Try some easy ways below.
HOW to I: cleaned with brush
The first way is the simplest, that is by just brushing the tip or nozzle section (holes),while getting a massage with the fingertips. This way is not necessarily successful ifcrust contains chlorine and attached firmly on the nozzle.
HOW to Mask II: vinegar
Stir in the vinegar into a rather large plastic.
The plastic tie to head shower. Make sure their bonds meeting.
Leave it on for hours before the 1-2 of vinegar permeated and eroded the dirt on the nozzle.
Then wipe with a clean rag.
HOW heated Vinegar III:
If the 2nd way is rather difficult to do the vinegar and water keeps coming out of the plastic mask, means you need to take off the shower head.
Rotate counter-clockwise until the shower head regardless.
Prepare vinegar in saucepan large enough to soak the shower head.
Insert the head of the shower until it submerged.
Reheat on the stove over low heat until the shower head is raised to the surface of the vinegar.
Brush the crust started to flake with a brush.
Soak and rinse with clean water.
Plug it back into the shower pipe.

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